Improving our IEP’s

Improving our IEP’s:

Focus on Present Levels of Performance

Some people might say that the present levels are the most critical part of
the IEP. The Present Levels are the foundation of the IEP. The student’s
Present Levels of academic, behavioral, communication, social, and/or
motor performance must always be precise and up-to- date. When the IEP
fails to include accurate and current information about the child’s present
performance levels, the IEP is defective. The IEP doesn’t have a leg to
stand on. The Present Levels of Performance, also known as the PLOP
provides a quantifiable baseline for IEP goals.
Present levels of Performance must include:

1. Student’s current academic and functional levels
2. Current Assessment results
3. Date assessment was given i.e. Fall 2017, September 22, 2017, etc.
4. Strengths/Emerging skills
5. Based on teacher observations, how does the student best learn (visual,
auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, multi strategies)3